Items for New Year’s Good Habits in Your Home Part 2: Reading and Rejuvenating

Tara Dickinson
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With a new year, you have a clear path and opportunity to begin new habits that will improve your life. The goal with a good habit is to make your life better, easier, and higher quality. Most of us almost certainly know good habits we could implement to make life better, and most have a desire to do so. One of the keys to making it work on a habitual basis is to, one, practice, and two, make it rewarding. Setting up rewards for meeting your goals or steps along the way will help you stay motivated.



What could be a more powerful and beneficial habit to incorporate into your new year habits than inserting ways to rejuvenate yourself on a regular basis. Don’t hold out for that once a year vacation or that one weekend a month. Take the habit of rejuvenation seriously and learn how to implement it into a regular practice. One of the following categories might speak to you and spark a light that feels rejuvenative to you.


What are the household items you need to bring some rejuvenating music into your home life?

  • Cell phones- to download new playlists. You’ve probably been listening to the same playlist for a year or more. It’s time to change it up; refresh with some new vibes. New music brings new joy to life.
  • Tablets and iPads- for the same reason above.
  • Musical instruments- if music is something that energizes and fills you, if you don’t already, consider taking up an instrument. Teaching yourself to play is remarkably accessible these days with free tutorials on the internet.
  • Musical sound systems- if simply listening to music is your jam, invest in high quality sound systems that can make all the difference in feeling like the orchestra or band is in the room with you.


For many, getting into the kitchen and creating sumptuous dishes from scratch is their time of rejuvenation. The joy of diving into a new recipe, or discovering new ingredients, and in the end presenting a meal that nourishes yourself and/or others is a beautiful feeling. To make cooking a healthy new habit in your home, make sure to have items on hand so that it can flow as smoothly as possible.

Cooking appliances- microwaves, coffee makers, ice cream or yogurt makers, bread makers, juicers, water filters, etc.

Mini fridge- this is a nice addition to have in your home for convenience. A mini fridge near your reading nook, in a guest room, the basement, or garage are all great places for this item.

Knives- a quality set of knives makes all the difference when preparing and cooking on a regular basis. It can literally mean the difference between enjoying the process or not.

Creative Hobbies

What items do you need to make your favorite hobby easy to access and do in your home? Of course it will depend on what you love and find as rejuvenating to your spirit. Some creative hobby ideas include:

  • Drawing
  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Crafting
  • Composing

Refresh Your Home

A home is meant to be a sanctuary, a place ideally set up for you to rejuvenate and recharge from the chaos of the outside world. If you have moved a majority of your life into the home (working or home schooling), now more than ever is creating the habit of having a rejuvenating atmosphere important. Ways to accomplish this might mean a big refresh on your layout or furnishings.

  • New painted accent wall colors or adding wallpaper to a room is an instant refresh.
  • Clean and organize: decluttering room by room, or go drawer by drawer, can make your space feel much calmer and relaxing once the clutter is gone.
  • Getting rid of unwanted stuff from your life is very refreshing. Once you've made the effort, allow Remoov to sell, donate, or responsibly recycle all those unwanted items.

TV/Movies/Videos- Learn, Love, and Love

Laughing is a huge stress reliever, relaxes tight muscles, and a great way to keep your energy elevated. Learning from documentaries about absolutely anything that interests you can be stimulating, motivating, and refresh your perspective on things.

  • Develop the habit of watching comedy shows or series.
  • Listen to funny podcasts.
  • Look into documentaries about subjects that fascinate you.
  • What items do you need in your home for these rejuvenating outlets: basically good electronics and a WIFI account.


When it comes to making and maintaining a reading goal, first consider your purpose for setting this goal. Maybe you are looking to read for comfort, as for many, reading gives you some rest and peace from the uncertainty and challenging issues of the outside world. When you do find your reason, make sure you set a goal that fits your personality.

Explore Your Interests

  1. Check out best seller lists.
  2. Search for authors similar to ones you already like.
  3. Follow your favorite writer on social media and see what books they recommend.

Read Fun & Compelling Books

  1. Find books that really grip you and keep you going. Even if they aren’t literary masterpieces, they make you want to read.
  2. Popular authors are popular for a reason: they tell great stories.

Join Book Clubs

  1. There are ongoing book clubs for every category imaginable, so look for some that you have common interests with. They’re especially popular now that life has moved mostly to homebase for the time being and people are looking for more ways to connect remotely.
  2. Bookstores and libraries offer a variety of book clubs and discussion groups as well as author talks and lectures.
  3. Think about trying a writer’s group; reading other writer’s work and giving useful feedback is a great way to get more reading in.

Read To Your Kid/s

  1. Getting your children involved in a daily reading habit is another way to make sure your habit will stick.
  2. Choose some great books together with your kids and read to them for a period every day.
  3. This way you are developing the reading habit in yourself, doing the same for your kids, as well as spending some quality time together.


This is a good habit combination of reading and rejuvenating as a nook affords you a place of respite. What items do you need to make the perfect nook in your home? This outline will guide you in all the essentials that make a rejuvenation nook heaven.

  • The furnishings- chairs, lounges, side tables, storage units.
  • The lighting- reading lamps, floor lamps, table lamps.
  • The accents- plants, electronics, pillows and blankets.

This guide here will show you how to carve out reading nook set-up ideas in your  home. The goal is basically simple: find a quiet place in your home where you can create a pleasurable oasis for yourself. Make your reading time your favorite time of day. Have a nice beverage or another kind of treat while you read; a comfortable setting and temperature; adequate light and enjoy your new reading and rejuvenating habit.

Surround Yourself With Books

  1. Have a good selection of books on hand so you can give yourself several options.
  2. Used bookstores and libraries are great hunting grounds and options for acquiring books. BONUS: Librarians are basically walking search engines; they’re experts in helping you find a book with your tastes in mind.
  3. Discount book stores allow you to swap out your used books for credit you can use in their store.
  4. It can also be relaxing to wander a bookstore or library and wait for one to jump out at you; there’s a lot of serendipity when it comes to discovering things to read. Go to the genre section that you’re interested in and see what calls to you. 


To ingrain your new good habit of reading and a regular basis, you might need to take a look at your allotment of time throughout the day.

  1. Do you ‘waste’ time on your phone every day, mindlessly scrolling? Calculating what’s essential and what is wasted time can help you redefine your lifestyle and make time to read.
  2. Instead of scrolling try downloading an eBook or audiobook. These are easy to pull up when you have free time during your day and don’t have a physical book on hand. *Although do note that scientific studies show a preference of paper books over screens because they can create distractions and reduce comprehension.
  3. Set up a reading hour or reading day.
  4. Turn off the TV or Internet in the evening and set an hour when all members of your family read each night.

It’s OK To Stop

Don’t make your new reading habit too demanding on yourself.

  1. Unless you’re trying to educate yourself in a specific area there’s no reason to push yourself.
  2. Choose a variety of books that you want to read for pleasure or knowledge and pick the ones that bring you enjoyment.
  3. Don’t force yourself to read something. There’s no rule that says if a book is not holding your attention that you have to push through till the end.

Log & Blog

The satisfaction of looking over a recording of all the books you’ve read is quite rewarding.

  1. In your log include the title, author, and the dates you start and finish the book.
  2. Add notes next to each entry with your thoughts about the book. It is extremely satisfying to go back over the log after a couple of months to see all the great books you’ve read.
  3. Creating a blog is free and another great way to make a habit stick. Sharing your thoughts on the books you’ve read not only inspires others, but the feedback and interaction spurs your continued reading habits as well.



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